2025 Escape the Weather Adventure with Rawhyde Adventures

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Join Bob's Motorcycles and Rawhyde Adventures March 20-29, 2025 for a 3-day off-road training course followed by an incredible 5-day ride iexploring a myriad of other fabulous places as we show you the best of the Mojave. The tour is NOT a race through the museum but a full immersion in the grandeur of the desert. When you're done with this trip yo uwill want to come back, not becuase you missed anything but becuase you've fallen in love with this place!
Your adventure will begin as you fly to Southern California and then transfer to Rawhyde's 2500 acre training center in the foothills above Los Angeles. This unique facility is the only BMW sponosored ADV traning center in the U.S.
Thursday evening: The experience will begin with your arrival at the RawHyde Training Center where you’ll have a gourmet welcome dinner and an orientation session to walk you through the details of your week.
Friday: After breakfast you’ll join your group for a four-hour classroom session on ADV preparedness after which lunch will be served. Next you’ll get a four-hour “Introductory Riding Clinic” which will help you get set for the weekend session.
Saturday: Your training session will begin with a short classroom session on the physics and dynamics of off-road riding. From there you’ll be on the bike all day as you work through the first 10 lessons of our BMW-approved curriculum! These lessons include balance and control exercises, braking, skidding, counter balanced turning and more.
Sunday: You will continue with learning how to navigate off camber turns, steep hill climbs and descents, sand and rut riding plus special obstacles and more. The day will wrap with “graduation” and briefing on the following six day adventure!
Mojave Magic Adventure Itinerary
Day 1 - You’ll leave RawHyde’s ranch after breakfast heading to ZAKAR. The day’s ride entails going through the coastal mountains of California on local dirt roads before dropping down into the Josua tree forests of the desert.
Day 2: You’ll leave ZAKAR for Death Valley via the remnants of an old ghost town named Ballarat and then to Augueberry point for a stunning view point over the entirety of Death Valley.
Day 3 - Spend the first part exploring Death Valley at renowned sites like Titus Canyon, Zabrisky Point, 20 Mule Team Road and more! After lunch you’ll head back to ZAKAR via the incredible Trona Pinnacles.
Day 4 - After breakfast you’ll head high into the pine forests of Seqouia National Park. Epic views over the desert and the pine scented air make for a fabulous day of alpine riding.
Day 5 - Explore the El Paso Mining district in the low-lying mountains of the Mojave. The highlight will be a walk through Burro Schmidts Tunnel, the only mine that is still open for exploration in the Mojave. It’s a half mile long and was dug by hand in the 1920’s and 30’s, going through a mountain and the view from the back side is stupendous!
Day 6 - All adventures have to come to an end. You’ll transit from RawHyde’s location to the airport... or head for home on wheels. RawHyde’s Escape the Weather Adventure: mission accomplished!
This all inclusive adventure (lodging, food, and bike rental) is availble to Bob's customers for JUST $7,495 (reg. $7,995). RSVP is due no later than January 31, 2025. We must fill 10 spots to take advantage of these special savings so let your friends know!
Download event flier with details HERE.
Cancellations will be eligible for full reimbursements as long as Bob's is notified no later than February 7. Reimbursement for cancellations received after February 7th will be dependent on us filling that space or not.
About Rawhyde Adventures
Rawhyde Adventures is BMW's official partner when it comes to the GS Motorcycle and for the last 25 years they have been instroducing adventure bike riders to the beauty of America's back country through their training programs and tours. They have four facilites in California and Colorado which are all dedicated to promoting the world of adventure riding and they are the only ADV company in the U.S. sponsored by BMW.